Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy – HEAL
Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy
April 2, 2025
Muffled euphoria shoots out in repeating gushes at the start of Waterfall. A soothing loop that creaks and stretches a little too long to stay together tightly. It’s fragmented innards shimmer across the mix as a deeper, more pure sound moves in. Watery stabs hit sporadically as the wall of juddering sound waves to and fro. 2006 DVDRip XviD layers broken sounds on top of one another creating this flowing chasm of glitched beauty. A bass line shoots through the middle of the track, heavy and sharp in its presence, here we find the artist playing with contrasting dynamic as a clean and simplistic drumbeat begins and the euphoria fades quickly to the background. The landscape shifts quickly, synth notes hurriedly dance between beats. They cease and the drumbeat tumbled into a chaotic implosion of noise. It seems to crawl from headphones and speakers with a crackling din, before swarming from right to left and then drawing back. The first track is incredibly shocking, the artist seemingly going for a mesh of euphoric eccojam and droning noise. But there are moments of crispness, like the moaning disembodied voice that appears toward the end.
A4 – island brings an otherwise soothing lounge tune and repeats it relentlessly. The widened of the pads seem to brim over into each other as the track fills out and starts to include more bleeps of voices without context. The bass melody is calming, even through the shifting in tempo and sound. It’s almost as if a evil spirit has possessed the speaker in some spa. Every so often the track will begin to derail in some horrific way, either through timing or pitch, before flitting back to normality. We find the sample hit overdrive toward the end, as the lounge takes on a fast-paced samba quality before shaking and stammering to a stop.
Bedding brings a haunting off note piano sample alongside shuffling percussion. The track intimidates with a cold dissonant aura surrounding it, it’s gradual slowing like an opening chasm. Each rewind of the sample seems to make it hit harder and more intensely. Suddenly, the sample is crisp, a non-threatening piano chord that phases in and out. The artist drags the listener from pillar to post, inspiring feelings of dread and frustration one minute and soothing samplework the next.
Shopping brings more recognisably mallsoft tendencies, though 2006 DVDRip XviD insists on jarring sampling patterns that stumble and deviate. The choice of what to dwell is in intricate, as chords begin to sound out of key when they are repeated multiple times. The transition between two chords becoming the focal point for a moment, before the artist moves on. The way the artist uses the source material is inspired, and opens up a really unique sound palette for the listener to become enveloped in.
New New starts in a much crisper way than the songs so far. A funky bassline is followed bright piano keys. It’s not long before a certain moment is caught and put through the ringer multiple times. The sequence ambles on, with random sounds and voices piped in. The overall atmosphere is not one of menace, the upbeat nature of the instrumentation brings a feeling of cool tranquility. The piano begins to trill and riff as a monstrous voice mutters behind it. The nature of the project is one of cold calculation, ready to disappear into a wave of broken samples at any minute.
2006 brings another heavy bassline into the mix. Low-slung samples play behind a distorted drumline as it begins to sway to one side of the stereo field. It stays that way for quite some time, before the samples decaying echo begins to flutter into the other side of the mix. Samples writhe onto of one another, and the feeling of the track becomes one of unintelligible dread. A cacophony of pitched-down voices sounding like a waiting line into the depths of hell. The sample itself, moaning and burping at the extent to which its being pulled out of its usual pitch. The artist does not relent, the hi hat continues to provide a rhythm, but the samples being actioned are flung into a dissonant nothingness. The beat falls out, and we are left with ghostly voices swirling around a sonically hampered environment. After a while a thudding bass and snare begin to leak out. Slowly picking up momentum, as if the artist is improvising a beat in real time. A squeaking bass tone shudders the whole mix, squeezing out a tune before being pitched up and down randomly. A string-filled sample begins to try and make its way through to the listener but is decimated by the constant throng of low sound. Again 2006 DVDRip XviD switches up the rhythm, the sample now more brief alongside a fast-moving drum line. Snare and hi hat begin to shoot out in a rapid salvo, the pitch suddenly jumps in a jerking movement upwards. The guidelines of pitch fall away as the sample is swept up and down at will before the track comes to a conclusion.
beach by ends our strange journey. A stammering synth eases through a yet empty soundscape, its tone slowly rising upwards towards us. A more soothing sound begins to fade in to our right before starting to judder. It eases into a revolution, and for a moment it almost sounds like we’re listening to someones breathing slow down, a beautiful moment of humanity in an otherwise artificial landscape. 2006 DVDRip XviD’s intricate piano sampling techniques can be heard as the tone becomes one of uncertainty. A sample melts into a descending sound like an alarm before disappearing. The way our focus is directed towards something before it is swiftly taken away is brilliant, as if we are walking through a constant hall of distorting mirrors. A vocal sample begins to breathe out of the deep, before we hear the very recognisable trilling vocal of a female alongside an acoustic guitar or ukulele.
The familiar nature of the conclusion almost leads us to forget the wholly machine-like delivery of the project as a whole. 2006 DVDRip XviD uses the 7 tracks to really play with the listeners sense of awareness and foresight. Many of the tracks play out like a game of contrast as the artist meshes samples that have been twisted and distorted beyond comprehension with very rudimentary structures. Intensely rewarding from the outset, each song feels like its being excreted from some lossy file that you are desperately trying to decode. Rewarding to the very last, the sampling techniques used are engaging result in a scattering of truly beautiful moments.
Listen in full here: