Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy – HEAL
Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy
April 2, 2025
I vividly remember going to the music store with my dad when I was a kid. We used to live in a small town, so we travelled to this big city – which was like 6 hours away – very often. And in there, there was this record store – that is now closed, but still, it was fairly big and had CDs,vinyls, all sorts of cool stuff. That's where my dad bought me my first record (as a birthday gift I guess?) It was Daft Punk's Human After All. I loved that record so much and still do, to be honest. The jarring minimalism and aesthetic of it makes it an all time favourite, and an iconic record in my humble opinion. I think I lost it though, but I plan on getting another copy whenever I get the chance.
Too many songs to actually choose from... I've been DJing these last weeks so much at parties and friends' gatherings. Mixing is something I have been learning recently, and it's really fun to play, as a producer, and see it from that perspective, if that makes sense? My ultimate pick would have to be A.G. Cook's Xxoplex. Always finish my sets with it, it really makes me sweat. It makes everybody move, It's such a superb track. I would also choose Doss’ Puppy, Parasol's Jitterbug, Loona's Hula Hoop, trndytrndy's gay nightcore... Amazing songs!
Aj Simons' Soul Spa. Flawless from start to finish. I know this artist from Twitter, but I listened to this particular project and it's really good. Touching and pretty! Also, everything umru touches is already good, and he executive produced this record. Again, a really good record.
I really like to listen to Brainslav Zivkovic's Pastoral Sequences, and it always puts me in such a calm, positive and happy place! It's just a pretty gorgeous collection of pastoral music, lots of strings, wind and longing imagery all the way. I also love aespa, their music gets me so hyped and energetic. Their last mini album is just perfect.
Good question. I would've loved to have made Janet Jackson's janet. Her music is really inspiring to me, she was a trailblazer in so many ways, and this album is – to me, her magnum opus. I am now entering this particular style of analog synths, powerful pop performances, sensuality and emotional recklessness in my music. A sound that is very much like 80's music; not in a nostalgic way, but rather a more futuristic take on it. So yeah! I'll leave it at that.
It would have to be between Oneohtrix Point Never's Magic Oneohtrix Point Never, Björk's Vespertine or Hannah Diamond's Reflections. One of those three and I would be completely fine.
I don't think people see me as someone that won't like a certain type of music, artist or genre, to be quite honest. I always try to be really open minded, and I do love all sorts of music. But, I don't know, I think I can just try and throw some names. Some people may not know I am Latino, and that means I do enjoy Latin music as well. Charly García's El Álbum, for example, is one of my all time faves. Such an inspiration. Also really love Princesa Alba's latest mixtape, besitos, cuidate. Pop music mixed with reggaeton, jersey, club and kind of like hyperpop? So good. She's really cool!