Listencorp review image of dream by ura dust




Liam Murphy

July 2, 2019

Tracks in this feature

Tracks in this release

URA DUST’s Dream starts with a steady, rhythmic bassline, a pad crawls slowly back and forth across the soundscape. Sandy…

URA DUST’s Dream starts with a steady, rhythmic bassline, a pad crawls slowly back and forth across the soundscape. Sandy percussion whispers in the background as the listener settles into the hypnotic tempo.

The word ‘dream’ echoes abruptly, we float softly, cushioned by the thick bass as a snare begins to find its own way through the effervescent scene. A beautiful vocal chorus appears as well, each layer being added fits within the track perfectly.

The track borrows a Balearic nature, slowed down to a steady walk. Halfway through, a sharp, melodic sawtooth sound creeps out of the watery pads, followed by a stuttering, drawled snare sound. The producer calls upon each of the sounds they’ve introduced as and when they are required. Though the atmosphere is heady, the production is tight and meaningful.

The track hits like a slow wave, pulling us down into a calm, underwater seascape. Before slowing to a gentle, thoughtful ending.

Listen here: